Domain registration time A Google expert says Valuable domains are often reserved for several years while lowvalue domains are rarely used for more than a year Therefore Google considers the domain expiration date a factor in the value and credibility of the site Keywords in the subdomain name Research conducted by the MOZ website in showed that keywords in a subdomain name can also have an impact on SEO Domain history Sometimes Google resets the history of sites that were previously owned by someone else This will cause you to lose
referral links to the domain In some cases Google fines and penalties may be transferred from the previous owner to the new person Emd or domain matching the keyword EMD or exact match domains means that the site domain is exactly the same as Australia WhatsApp Number the target keyword For example Seocom Matching a domain name to a keyword helps Google identify your domain Of course if your site is highquality and professional EMD is a plus Lots of weak websites dont help algorithms show that poor quality sites that use the exact same domain are less likely to show
up in Google results Whether the domain information is private or public When you register a domain for yourself your information as the domain owner is registered on the WhoIs website You can put this information in private mode or in public mode so everyone can see it But privatizing information seems a little unnatural to Google and you think youre hiding something When I checked their WhoIs they all had a privacy service This is not a bad thing at all But when factors like these come together it can seem a little unusual Domain owner penalty If Google identifies a particular person as spammy it will look more closely at other sites belonging to that person This explains why a sites domain and information.