Utility + emotion = sale If your target is clear, the next step will be to focus on the goal to reach. Which? Sales, notoriety, likes? The answer to these questions will help you structure a truly effective editorial plan . If you are taking your first steps in the business world as a nascent startup, for example, the first objective will be to convince interlocutors of your growth possibilities. At your disposal you will have a vast heritage to transmit, but without a well organized editorial plan you could risk not reaching your objective. In the same way, those who have already been on the market for some time and have worked hard to build the brand's authority and credibility must continue to give emotional resonance to their story, confirming themselves as the solution to the listener's problem.
We live in a world where we compete narratively. It is told to position a product, to give photo editing servies commercial meaning to a brand, to optimize a digital identity, to increase sales online or at physical points of sale, but the process always places in the foreground useful, interesting, sincere content to be given in meal to the user, correlated by a targeted touchpoint that leads the latter towards the desired action. Monitor the channels carefully At this point all that remains is to get the message to those who really want to listen. BLOGS Lean marketing and content marketing the lean side of content Publication date Applying the Lean model to content marketing helps to achieve strategic objectives with a view to improving in small steps.

The principles of the Toyota production system today applied by various companies and sectors have given life to the Lean Marketing model based on small, constant and daily changes, which allow results to be achieved through the elimination of waste and the active involvement of all staff . Charles Darwin wrote that "it is not the strongest or most intelligent species that survives, but the one that adapts best to change.