Social Publi is a platform that is present in more than 20 countries with more than 800 million followers . They have 50 thousand influencers with a real audience . Its CEO, Ismael El-Qudsi , points out that “the new generations of consumers who represent the greatest sales potential in the future are not represented by traditional advertising and do not trust it because they consider it intrusive and annoying” and continues: “And that is where the figure of the influencer appears, which is an integrating element that is part of a company's global marketing strategy.”
During his participation in the WhatsApp Number Database TeatroDigital coordinated by explained why weareallinfluencers. In an interview with this newspaper, he delved into the reasons for the success of micro-influencer marketing .
QUESTION: At Social Publi you work on campaigns with ordinary people and not with celebrities. Why? Are campaigns with ordinary people more effective?
ANSWER: Yes. Celebrities or those who have more than a million viewers on a social network do not take care of their audience. Of course, there are exceptions. But most of them limit themselves to broadcasting their message, they do not get feedback , they simply cannot respond due to a question of volume. Imagine a football player or a model; they cannot respond to the 15 thousand comments they have. So, it is an audience that is not so well taken care of .
Social Publi is a platform that is present in more than 20 countries with more than 800 million followers. They have 50 thousand influencers with a real audience. Its CEO, Ismael El-Qudsi, points out that “the new generations of consumers who represent the greatest sales potential in the future are not represented by traditional advertising and do not trust it because they consider it intrusive and annoying.”
HIP Hospitality Innovation Planet
However, micro influencers, who are people with less than 10,000 followers, do not have followers or an audience, but friends . They are their friends, and he or she becomes an opinion leader on a topic, which can be gastronomy, hotels, travel, fashion. People trust these people that we call micro influencers much more than celebrities.
There is an aspirational component to celebrities. Everyone wants to drive the car that Cristiano Ronaldo drives, but it is not a real thing. However, the proximity of this micro influencer is much better than that of a celebrity . Obviously, the difference is that the latter gives you coverage and a huge audience. If we can, we have to do actions with everyone.
Q: How do you create this community of micro-influencers that you have on the platform?

A: We simply ask that you have more than 100 friends on any of the most popular social networks, for example, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, even LinkedIn, and blogs, then you can sign up.
In addition, we give our own micro-influencers 5% of all the campaigns their friends run. If I recommend 100 people, I will earn 5% of all the campaigns, of the entire budget my friends earn.
It's funny that we have people who earn $2,000 a month without having posted a single tweet, simply because they have recommended 100 friends on the platform and are receiving a commission from them.
"However, micro influencers, who are people with less than 10,000 followers, do not have followers or an audience, but friends. They are their friends, and he or she becomes an opinion leader on a topic, which can be gastronomy, hotels, travel, fashion. People trust these people that we call micro influencers much more than celebrities."
Inspirational Festival
This is the best marketing we have; the platform itself does the marketing for us . Obviously we also advertise on social media, but what works best for us is for the influencers themselves to convince their friends to join.
The key lies in being able to segment audiences
Q: What is the segmentation and characteristics of these micro influencers?
A: It's not just young people. From 16 years old - we can't work with people under 16 by law - and up to, so to speak, 90 years old. It's very curious because we only think that there is a very commercial target which is men and women from 20 to 45 years old, but we have women, so to speak, older people who talk about fashion, and who have a large audience, because there are other women who may be 60 years old and want to notice someone who is their age and not a little girl who is 25 years old.