The proposed system is based on positive affective computing and has the ultimate aim of interacting in order to bring the person to a positive affective state. To do this the system must first be able to detect the user's emotional state. In popular scientific literature, Goleman's book Emotional Intelligence , raises the question of how emotions affect learning and vice versa. By the way, we ask ourselves: can the student manage frustration when learning is difficult? Goleman says, albeit with precious little data in hand, that experienced teachers are very good at recognizing and addressing students' emotional states and, based on impression.
Take some actions that have a positive impact on learning. But what these experienced teachers see and how they wedding photo editing service decide on a course of action is an open question. Regarding the application of affective computing to the domain of dyslexia, there are no scientific research studies, but efforts have been made to integrate sensors for the detection of emotions during the learning process with the aim of identifying students' emotions while interacting with computer systems. For example, cameras have been installed in China to monitor students' emotions, scanning facial expressions every seconds and alerting the teacher if a student's attention drops below a certain level. In the United States.

Webcams have been used to record students during computer tutoring sessions and identify levels of engagement and frustration. Is it possible to support the understanding of emotional states that contribute to human health and well-being by measuring emotional indices starting from physiological activation during student performance ? In the following paragraph we will mention the possible use of emotional inferences in conjunction with performance, to provide feedback aimed at improving the subject's management and knowledge skills. Affective computing and dyslexia A clear objective of emotion recognition systems in a real context is to be applicable in a discreet and non-invasive manner.