I often write SEO-optimized texts, I always do keyword research. Sometimes the client has already commissioned an investigation. And then it comes: words that are composed (such as: ballet class and painting course) are all too other in the search engines. Then I discover that the 'misspelled' words sometimes score higher in terms of search volume than the correct spelling. What then is wisdom Are you going for the uncompiled version that has a higher search volume Or do you opt for readability with the risk that the website will score less well in Google.
I did some research: what about compound words and SEO The differences in search volumes During the keyword research for a client, I went looking for the search volumes around the word 'painting lesson'. In the research I did last year ( ), I saw the following difference in search photo editor volume: Painting course : (average search volume per month) Painting course: (average search volume per month) This shows that the majority of people write the search term 'wrong'.

This search volume is therefore higher than the correctly written version. Fortunately, Google recognizes these incorrectly written words and automatically indicates: "did you mean painting course" SEO compound words painting course Yet Google also suggests incorrectly written words, I discovered when I looked further. seo compound words suggestions In general, Google seems to know exactly which spelling is correct and which is not.