White papers, customer cases, blog articles, videos… evoke their needs. In fact, it is only by offering your key accounts content with high added value that you will arouse their interest! The whole challenge is therefore to produce tailor-made content in order to reassure your target audience in the idea that you have perfectly understood their challenges and that you are therefore fully capable of responding to them.
Concretely, how do we do it? From one key company Phone Number Data to another, the content will be 80% identical . So don't panic, it's not a question of creating an astronomical quantity of content but only of ingeniously adapting certain aspects of it. The remaining 20% are in fact easily customizable, you can in particular illustrate your articles with concrete examples that speak to your target : If your target is an HR manager, talk to them about their daily problems: lack of time, limited budgets, difficulty reducing the turnover rate, etc.

If your target is a CFO, talk about the nightmare of Excel files or the impatience of employees to reimburse their expense reports. These 20% must therefore be hyper-personalized to capture the attention of your target. This will only require a little additional investment, even though it will allow you to make all the difference! Read also: B2B Content Marketing: 10 best practices to implement for your content strategy Content marketing: how to generate leads with your content? 3.