Sure to get you some additional clicks. Match CTA to device type Creating a killer call-to-action is important, that’s no secret. But I also urge you to consider customizing your CTA based on the device being used by your audience. Google considers desktop and tablet as the same device, since the screen sizes are roughly the same. People also use them for search in similar scenarios. For example, someone sitting on the couch at night sees an ad on TV for a product they’re interested in. It’s common for them to grab their laptop or tablet and search for more information on it. It might be best to lead them with a “learn more” or “shop now” CTA.
However, mobile devices tend to have different user behavior and search intent than desktop/tablets. Since % of searches for local business on mobile devices convert, it’s prudent to tailor your CTA based on device.. One big difference between Iceland Phone Number desktop and mobile is that on mobile, people have the ability to place a call from the device they’re shopping with. My advice is to create more phone call-centric CTAs that appear on mobile devices, especially for service-based businesses. landing page. call to action - screenshot of a landscapers website with clickable phone number Some possible CTA phrases to try could be “call now to get started” or “call us .

Today for more information” to guide your target audience to take the action you want them to take. A/B test your CTAs A good, old-fashioned A/B test is a great way to identify which CTA’s bring you clicks, and which CTA’s bring you frowns. While your tried and true calls-to-action like the ones we’ve already discussed are always good to use, you really never know how they’ll perform in your account until you actually use them. call to action - Comparision of two ads from Dewalt Digital marketing is definitely a game of trial and error (which is why it can be frustrating!), and your calls-to-action are no exception to the rule. Something could look great on paper, or may sound great when