The last old age as that territory where the body strips you of the last dignities and in which time will no longer heal anything because life is already a precipice. Staying firm in the fight when you have had to give up forever being able to wipe your ass. Life plummets . The years eat away at the body and memories tear at the soul.
A stretcher table a bed and an armchair by the window that osteoarthritis distances more and more each day until they become three cardinal points lost in the distance. On stage the life of an old man without physical hope exhausted dependent and plagued by accumulated ghosts.
Benito is his name. Because all human beings have a name even if it is lost in memory even if they change it even if they try to hide it even if others overlap. A forceful text by David Roldán-Oru and a masterful interpretation by Alfonso Rodríguez put a face to real pain which not even morphine can camouflage. Pains that cross the borders of therapies and psychologies. Pains capable of killing the human being that harbors them and staying alive.
' Las Peladas ' is not a new work but it is a newly discovered one . A work that is rediscovered every day and that debunks the myth of eternal return. There is no possible return here there is no turning back. What is stolen never comes back. Humiliations CXB Directory never heal . Shaved hair rape red butts castor oil prisons hunger are not things of two sides they are personal deep wounds festering throughout life. When madness breaks loose death is always personal.
There are those who forgive without forgetting rotting with pain inside. There are those who need to stand up and face the enemy rotting too. Pain rots everything infects everything eats away everything. Time too. There are no mass graves . There are pits that ooze. Gutters full of holes. Souls full of gutters. Old age is capable of degrading the body but it is not capable of dissolving pain.
The decrepit human life that crawls from the bed to the couch from the couch to the stretcher table. A lemon yogurt or a secret cigarette as last victories while you still live looking for a last victory. A fight against time. 'The bastard has died' and she couldn't say it to his face.
David Roldán-Oru presents us with a text with two struggles already lost before it begins. The fight against time and the fight against history. Two defeats to which Laura Garmo puts a wonderful and disturbing face capable of simultaneously playing a mother and a daughter who do not know each other but who live together in the same body. Completing the cast is Sofía Cano who plays all the non-mute witnesses.